Scott Select Release

  • Beschrijving

Customizable Hinge Design for a Controlled Feel that's Just Right.
Micro Adjustable Click Length.
Micro Adjustable Travel.
Thumb Peg For Drawing Assistance.
Available In Large Or Medium.
Includes 3 Or 4 Finger Extensions Which Can Be Rotated 50 Degrees To Desired Location.
Ergonomic, Lightweight Aluminum Handle Machined With Grooves For added grip.
Internal Moon Locking Design.
Refined through over 40 years of release innovation, the Scott Select offers a feel all its own while the internal moons & numerous adjustment options allows archers the ability to select & execute the perfect shot.
Available in either Medium or Large, the ergonomic handle is designed to add extra grip with grooves machined into the lightweight aluminum.
With 50 degrees of adjustment, you can pinpoint the exact fit and feel with 3 or 4 finger extensions included.